David Marcks Obituary

David Marcks Obituary


David Marcks, a Master Professional of the PGA of Germany who spent more than half his career working in the country, has passed away suddenly at the age of 66.

David joined the Association in 1974 and trained at Bromborough and Heswall Golf Clubs on the Wirral, Merseyside, before he was elected to membership in March 1977.

He moved to Caerphilly Golf Club, south Wales, two months later and was there for close on two years before returning to England to work at Abbey Hill Golf Club, Buckinghamshire.

David competed in two DP World Tour events in 1982 – the Sanyo Open and KLM Dutch Open – during the 15 years he spent at Abbey Hill before heading for Germany in 1995.

He was at Hummelbachaue Golf Club for just over year before moving to Rittergut Birkhof Golf Park where he remained until 2018 when he began his final role as head professional at Elfrather Muhle Golf Club.

An accomplished and popular coach, David was a PGA Fellow Professional whose forte was club-fitting at which his expertise earned him the status of Master Fitter. He was also a member of the British Golf Collectors Society.

David his survived by his wife, Patricia, and the PGA expresses heartfelt condolences to her and his other family members and friends on their loss.


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