Top tips to complete your PGA Excel application

Top tips to complete your PGA Excel application


PGA Excel was launched one year ago to replace The PGA’s old APAL system. A new, best-in-class assessment framework enables you to demonstrate your impact and achievement to employers, golfers and the wider industry.

So far more than 100 PGA Members have completed their application, with many more having started the process.

To help you navigate this process more effectively, we spoke to one of our professional PGA Excel markers to provide some valuable insight on how to complete a successful application.

Preparation is key

The most important thing is to read the guidance notes before filling out your application. In order to complete your self-assessment it’s essential that you properly comprehend the marking criteria, expertise framework and Value Blocks. A clear understanding of what each section demands is absolutely paramount to a successful application. Members who embrace this knowledge at the outset tend to submit more impressive applications.

Choose your category wisely

Selecting the right category can significantly impact your overall score. It is absolutely essential that you are in the right category at the very beginning of the process. PGA Professional, Coach and Manager categories are evaluated differently, with varying weightings on specialist knowledge, business management, golf growth and development  and professional representation. For example, if you put yourself down as a Professional but you are a manager, you may score lower than perhaps you would if you were in the correct speciality. This is because the manager section in the manager speciality carries more marks than it does in the professional or coach specialities.

Grasp the marking criteria

Understanding how applications are assessed is crucial. Consider the inclusion  criteria and the average number of years spent working as a Professional, Coach or Manager. Know where you fit within the matrix of Advanced, Fellow, Advanced Fellow, and Master. This understanding is essential in aligning your application with the evaluator's expectations.

Check what marks are up for grabs

Identify sections with the most marks at stake and provide detailed information accordingly. For example, professional representation contributes to just 10 per cent of your overall score. Prioritise your efforts based on the potential impact each section can have on your application's success. If you have evidence of significant impact that could fall into two categories utilise it in the one that carries the most marks.

Set the scene

In the personal statement section of your PGA Excel application, you have an opportunity to provide an overview of your career and accomplishments to date. Describe your career progression, positions held and significant milestones. This will help to set the scene for the marker and justify why you have graded yourself at the level attributed in your self assessment.

Patience pays off

Resist the urge to rush through your application. Hasty submissions can be easily identified and may convey a lack of effort. Meeting the PGA Excel application deadline is not essential. If you miss a deadline, don't panic. Prepare your application for the subsequent deadline; quality is more important than speed.

By following these top tips, you can start/complete your PGA Excel application with confidence, ensuring a well-prepared and compelling submission.

CLICK HERE to find out more about PGA Excel

CLICK HERE to start your PGA Excel application.


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