Update - Golf in Wales following the Welsh Government announcement

Update - Golf in Wales following the Welsh Government announcement


Following the First Minister's announcement on the 29thMay, Wales Golf has received clarification from the Welsh Government. The following guidelines will come into force from the 1stJune 2020. Current Golf Industry Guidelines are still in place.

For a copy of the fully Wales Golf Guidance please click here 


What is the new ‘Local’ travel guidance?

‘As a general rule, for most people anything within about five miles of your home is considered local.’

Clickhere for information on what is considered as local.

Click here for information on travelling for sport.

Can I play golf with people outside my household?

‘Members of two separate households to meet outdoors at any one time as long as they stay local and maintain social distancing.’

Click herefor latest Welsh Government advice around meeting different households

Taking this information into consideration, the following groupings are allowed when playing golf and when travel is ‘local’:

  • Individuals playing golf on their own.
  • Two balls:
    • Two players from one household
    • Two players from different households

At the discretion of the golf club, play in groups of three or four-balls is permitted in the following forms;

  • Three balls:
    • Three players from one household
    • Two players from one household with one from another household
  • Four balls:
    • Four players from one household
    • Two players from one household with two from another household
    • One player from one household and three from another household

Physical distancing guidelines and industry guidelines must be adhered to before, during, and after the round.


Wales Golf and The PGA would like to clarify the following points for PGA Members based in Wales.

We would like to remind you that you must abide by the Welsh Government restrictions, and not those of England.



No changes were confirmed regarding non-essential retail. Non-essential retailers are encouraged to prepare over the next three weeks ahead of the following review. Golf retail shops are currently not listed on the Welsh Government list of premises that can open for retail purposes, therefore, they must remain closed.

Essential access to a building such as a Professional shop for Clubs that operate a booking system to regulate tee times, registration, and take payment, is permissible provided appropriate social distancing precautionary measures are put in place.


With the changes to Welsh Guidelines, coaching is now permissible under strict infection control measures, observing 2-meter physical distancing and must take place outside. Coaching must be either 1 coach to 1 household individual or 1 coach with a household group.

To comply with this regulation, you should enforce strict hygiene measures, and it is recommended that PGA professionals complete a comprehensive risk assessment and refer to the coaching guidelines on the PGA COVID-19 resource hub.


Further Wales Golf Guidance

Wales Golf would like to thank all those golfers, volunteers, club officials and staff who have worked so hard to ensure the return to play has gone smoothly so far. The Welsh Government rules have been loosened slightly to allow players from two households to play together, but all the R&A protocols of play and Welsh Government guidance still apply.

We would urge golfers to check if they can play within the Welsh Government travel guidelines, to abide by the new rules when they come into practice on Monday and maintain a safe approach.


Further information from Wales Golf along with club guidance can be found clicking here

Pleaseclick here for further information on the Welsh Government announcement.


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